• WNPS - Advocacy and Outreach

    A 360 DEGREE APPROCH Engaging All Stakeholders


Advocacy and Outreach

WNPS works with very diverse groups of audiences with increased emphasis on Youth and frontline Communities. We hope to inspire lasting change and bring tangible benefits through education, sharing experiences and exposures, leveraging media and social groups, and counting on peer leadership from key social influencers. The society has a very wide range of deeply insightful experts, researchers, field practitioners, photographers, sponsors, scientists and volunteers who engage government, public, rural and marginalized communities, Conservation specialist and international groups to further the cause of conservation. Actions are built on the bedrock of the society’s 125 year impeccable track record of commitment towards conservation in Sri Lanka. 

Engage, Evaluate, Educate, Execute and Evolve

  • WNPS - Advocacy and Outreach
    With the focus on creating youth advocates, the WNPS Youth Advocay Programme saw the society pick three Youth Ambassadors, whose role would be to inspire more young people to work towards the cause of Conservation, to engage in field activities or research which helps protect Sri Lankan Fauna and Flora, and to be role models and spokesperson for WNPS among the youth when it comes to such causes within Sri Lanka
  • WNPS - Advocacy and Outreach
    A publicity campaign was conducted to raise awareness about illegal fishing of Thresher sharks and the regulatory bodies were written to about possible loopholes in the laws
  • WNPS - Advocacy and Outreach
    The society with creative assistance launched an awareness/fund raising project titled “The Animal Real Estate” highlighting the fast vanishing wildlife habitat by way of artistic expression by some of Sri Lanka’s young and talented artists.
  • WNPS - Advocacy and Outreach
    With an expanding digital audience, the society’s use of mediums including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to create awareness and spur conversation has produced substantial engagements.