• Our team

    GENERAL COMMITTEE Innovative and thinking global


Office Bearers - 2024 / 2025

“WNPS should never become the domain of a few people for long durations. Rotation and vacation of General Committee roles should be expected after several years, where we nurture new members and youthful thinking. Members could continue to support through engagement in the Sub Committees”

  • Graham Marshall

    Mr. Graham Marshall


    Passionate about the conservation and protection of the Sri Lankas natural habitats and amazing biodiversity.

    Prior to being elected President of WNPS, he served as Chair of the Marine Subcommittee from 2019 to 2023. Under his leadership, WNPS embarked on a landmark project- The Accelerated Natural Regeneration of Mangroves (ANRM) with the objective of regenerating destroyed mangrove habitats in the Anawilundawa RAMSAR wetland. This project was a pivotal contributor in Sri Lanka being awarded an UN flagship for Mangrove Restoration.

    Graham is a graduate of the Institute of Chemistry Sri Lanka, holds an MBA from PIM (USJP), is a Graduate member of CIM (UK) and CMA (Aus.) and is a marketer by profession.

  • Sriyan de Silve Wijeyeratne

    Mr. Sriyan de Silva Wijeyeratne

    Vice President

    Chairman of PLANT, and a recent Past President of WNPS, Sriyan and his passionate team engineered a massive transformation and a renaissance of the WNPS during his tenure. The key conceptualizer of PLANT, the Emerald Trails, and the notion of a Sri Lanka Leopard Day, he also Edited the Loris Journal and chaired the Wildcats Subcommittee.  He held several leading corporate and other roles across his multifaceted career and played catalytical roles in many as a CEO or Chairman. A Business Transformation Practitioner, Conservationists, and Social Catalyst, he has several academic and business awards to his credit. Engaging in local and global charities, he has served on several Boards, including Youth Business International of UK. He currently spends most of his time working on Conservation issues and solutions, and Consulting with limited business entities. He is a published wildlife photographer and passionate about travelling, music, and Community work.

  • Sampath Seneviratne

    Prof. Sampath S. Seneviratne

    Vice President

    Prof. Sampath S. Seneviratne is a research scientist specializes in the study of evolution, molecular biogeography, and ornithology. Sampath is a birder, a naturalist, a forester, a conservationist, a writer and a public educator. He is a professor in Zoology attached to the Department of Zoology and Environment Sciences, University of Colombo.

  • Rapti

    Ms. Rapti Dirckze

    General Secretary

    Rapti has over 30 years of experience in the travel industry. She is currently employed at an event management and recruitment company. Rapti played her part in conservation with the Society, serving on the Human Elephant Co-Existence Sub-Committee in the years 2020 to 2021. She holds a Diploma in Wildlife and Conservation from the Open University in Sri Lanka, with research on the rehabilitation of orphaned elephants. She has been a been a great help at the Elephant Transit Home (ETH) with her work through her collaborations and continues to contribute to conservation efforts at the ETH on various projects that need funding.

  • Krishantha Athukorala

    Mr. Krishantha Athukorala


    MBA holder, fellow member of CIMA , FCMA (UK) CGMA fellow. 
    Chair, South Asia Area Committee.

General Committee Members

  • Jehan CanagaRetna

    Mr. Jehan CanagaRetna

    Describing himself as a Conservation Administrator, Jehan is energetic, focused and driven, adopting a common sense approach. Jehan just completed a 2-year term as the President of WNPS. As the Immediate Past President, he continues to be a key driver for the Society in fund raising and working on ground level activity whilst serving on a few Sub-Committees of the Society. Administratively strong, Jehan has been one of the key figures in bringing the relevant administrative disciplines to manage the society’s work in the last 9 years.

    He serves on the Board of Greenpeace South Asia as the representative from Sri Lanka. He is also the Country Representative for Rainforest Alliance, Sri Lanka, a crop certification organization that promotes sustainable agriculture, and is a Trustee of the Ceylon School for the Deaf and Blind (CSDB – Ratmalana and Kaithady, Jaffna) 

  • Graham Marshall

    Mr. Spencer Manuelpillai

    With a lifelong passion for wildlife conservation sparked by travels across Sri Lanka, he has served the WNPS as General Secretary, Vice President, and President. Drawing on his communications expertise from Phoenix Ogilvy and Dilmah Tea, he has revitalised the WNPS brand over the past eight years, leading impactful PR campaigns and events that spotlight critical conservation issues.

    Under his leadership, the WNPS Monthly Lecture series has become a premier intellectual gathering, attracting top professionals in biodiversity and conservation. As former Chair of the Wildcats Subcommittee, he launched the WNPS Cat Chat initiative, fostering collaboration among wildcat researchers.

    His ability to unite scientists, policymakers, and media has advanced WNPS campaigns, ensuring conservation efforts reach wider audiences. Through effective media outreach, he continues to inspire meaningful action to protect Sri Lanka’s natural heritage

  • Graham Marshall

    Mr. Dilshan Hettiaratchi

    Dilshan is professionally qualified as an Accountant and have worked in the Banking in Finance sector for over 25 years.  He is also an avid wildlife enthusiast and spends as much time as possible in the wildlife parks around the country

  • Devika Wijesinghe

    Ms. Devika Wijesinghe Rohana

    She is a banking professional and has switched professions to work in the leisure and hospitality industry. Devika is passionate about the environment and believes in fighting the good fight for the cause of conservation. Devika is currently on the Green Isle Sub-Committee and has been serving on WNPS subcommittees over a year.

  • Keshan Perera

    Prof. Sevvandy Jayakody

    Prof. Sevvandy Jayakody holds a BSc. (Hons.) Degree in Zoology from the University of Kelaniya, a Postgraduate Diploma in Wildlife Management and Conservation from the Wildlife Institute of India, a PhD in Zoology from the University of Aberdeen. She has conducted post-doctoral research at the SCIRO, Australia, the James Hutton Institute, Scotland and at the IDRC, Canada. In 1997, she joined the Department of Wildlife Conservation as an Assistant Director and currently serves as a Senior Lecturer at the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. 

  • Caryll Tozer

    Prof. Enoka P. Kudavidanage

    Enoka P. Kudavidanage is a Professor in Conservation Biology, affiliated with the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka since 2001.   She completed her B.Sc honours in Zoology and M.Sc in Environmental Sciences at the Department of Zoology, University of Colombo, and her Ph.D. at the Department of Biological Sciences,  the National University of Singapore in 2012. Her research areas include Wildlife Crime Mitigation, Ecology, and Conservation of the Sri Lankan Leopard, Protected Area Management, and Utilizing Biological Indicators to monitor the Impacts of Land-use change and Community-level impacts of Agro-Chemicals. She co-founded the Topical Ecosystem Research Network (TERN), a non-profit organization to facilitate conservation work and networking. She has been conducting environmental education and awareness programs and facilitating community-based conservation programs islandwide for the last 25 years while working closely with a multitude of organizations at both national and international scales. Enoka is the country coordinator for the  Association for the Tropical Biology and Conservation-(ATBC) Asia Pacific chapter, Co-chair of the Wild Cat Conservation Committee of the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (WNPS),  Advisor to the Multiregional Leopard Research and Monitoring Network of Sri Lanka, and a Trustee of the Federation of Environmental Organizations (FEO).

  • Maxime Wickramasinghe

    Mr. Supun Lahiru Prakash

    Supun Lahiru Prakash is a Ph.D. candidate at the College of Forestry, Guangxi University, China. He obtained his Bachelor of Business Administration in Agribusiness Management Degree from the Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka in 2017 and a Master of Science Degree in Forestry and Environmental Management from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka in 2019. He has been working as a volunteer environment activist and freelance environment journalist since 2005 and his works have been recognized many times; more recently, as one of ten 2020 United Nations Climate Change: Learn Champions in the World by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research. His research interests are wildlife conservation and management and nature-based tourism. His publications include reasons for visitor dissatisfaction with tourism experiences, Human-Elephant Conflict, and illegal capture and internal trade of wild Asian elephants. He is at present focusing on the study of the feeding ecology of Asian elephants in Sri Lanka.

  • Graham Marshall

    Senior Professor Deepthi Wickramasinghe

    With over 25 years of experience in the environmental sector, Deepthi has an extensive track record in conservation and sustainable development. Currently, she serves as a Senior Professor in the Department of Zoology and Environment Sciences at the University of Colombo. She considers herself an interdisciplinary human- environment scholar, being trained as an ecologist and socio-environmental scientist. Her previous experience is drawn from a variety of sectors including biodiversity, climate resilience, disaster risk reduction, gender, water, and natural resources. She has held conservation leadership roles both in Sri Lanka and overseas. She has received recognition for her work with several local and international awards.

  • Dev Wijewardane

    Mr. Dev Wijewardane

    Dev Wijewardane is an IT professional with over 15 years’ experience in the industry and currently works for an IT consultancy. He has had a passion for wildlife and conservation from a very young age and is a self-taught amateur wildlife photographer. Dev has a deep love for Sri Lanka and takes every opportunity to travel off the beaten track and explore the hidden corners of the island.

  • Graham Marshall

    Mr. Revan Weerasinghe

    Revan Weerasinghe is an independent legal practitioner practicing in the areas of intellectual property, data protection, commercial transactions and environmental law. He is a partner in the legal firm insight legal.And is also the Legal Consultant to Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology.

  • Graham Marshall

    Mr. Keshan Perera

    Wildlife and Nature have been consistent throughout my life. I have always been fascinated by the natural and developing world.

    I strongly feel that science has the potential to produce a sustainable planet if people are educated to understand its value. And my introduction to WNPS was no different. I first encountered the committee during one of their “Education for Conservation” programs held at my school in 2018. The program convinced me to join the WNPS Youth Wing, strongly believe that this committee is an exceptional platform to create awareness and execute conservation efforts. Currently working as a Junior Trainee Architect, I serve the organization by leading the Youth Wing to achieve its purpose.

  • Graham Marshall

    Mr. Shehan Ramanayake

    Shehan Ramanayake is a development professional with a career spanning economic and capital markets research, tourism development policy, sustainable and experiential tourism, and project management. During the past 7 years he has focused on leveraging nature- based tourism models as well as donor funds to drive sustainable social and environmental impact. Shehan’s development experience includes working with the International Monetary Fund and leading projects backed by international bi-lateral donors. He has travelled extensively through Sri Lanka, as well as to Kenya, South Africa and Botswana and enjoys
    learning about new conservation models, impact financing and impact reporting

  • Riaz Cader

    Mr. Riaz Cader

    Riaz runs a locally based travel agency that focus on luxury and wildlife travel to Sri Lanka and is an internationally recognized ground handler who has worked with production companies on wildlife and travel documentaries including BBC, CNN, National Geographic, Disney Nature and the Discovery Network. He is also a wildlife photographer who is very passionate about the conservation of wildlife and natural eco-systems in Sri Lanka and is currently the co-chair of the Wild Cats subcommittee at WNPS.

  • Sohan Patrick

    Mr. Sohan Patrick

    Sohan has been with MAS Holdings (Pvt) Limited since 2009 and currently serves as Business Director, leading the Indian market strategy in collaboration with the Tata Group. His background includes roles as General Manager of Strategic Planning, Head of Finance, Legal, and Administration at an MAS-Nike Innovation Centre, and setting up MAS operations in Indonesia. His managerial expertise encompasses business development, marketing, strategic and financial planning, corporate policy formulation, LEAN principles, and risk management. He has facilitated the formation of three Joint Ventures and managed global stakeholder relationships, involving extensive international business travel. He is a senior lecturer at the Imperial College of Business Studies, specializing in Corporate Finance, Accounting, Economics, and Business Management. He holds Associate Membership in professional accounting bodies (CIMA, ACCA, CGMA) and a Master's in Economics from the University of Colombo. He contributes to the 'Economy of Francesco' initiative, is involved in the Wildlife & Nature Projection Society of Sri Lanka (WNPS), the 'Centre for a Smart Future (CSF),' and is dedicated to environmental conservation efforts. 

  • Jehan CanagaRetna

    Mr. Medisha Gunawardena

    Medhisha is a senior lecturer, naturalist, and a consultant with extensive experience and expertise in environmental management and sustainability. He possesses a keen interest in conservation and like examining various factors affecting land and seascape, biodiversity, their interactions, and conservation priorities amidst climate and ecosystem changes. Medhisha is deeply committed to conducting applied research for strategic management and is a dedicated educator for citizen scientists in the conservation and management of nature. He holds a B.Sc. (Honors) specialized in Environment Conservation and Management, along with postgraduate credentials in Environmental Sciences and Integrated Water Resources Management. He is a founder/co-founder and has been a dedicated life member of various environmental societies/organizations, and initiatives in Sri Lanka since 2012, including the WNPS. Currently, he serves as the chair of the WNPS Marine Subcommittee.

  • Sankha Wanniatchi

    Mr. Sankha Wanniatchi

    Sankha Wanniatchi has spent 9 years conducting leopard research in Horton Plains National Park and is the author of the first-ever research-based coffee table book, Ghost of the Clouded Plains, which highlights the leopards of the region. Additionally, Sankha has worked as a consultant for world-class filmmakers, collaborating with major studios such as Warner Bros., BBC, and National Geographic Channel.

    I believe that science is key to the future of conservation. My goal is to understand, study, and ultimately transform scientific knowledge into compelling stories that resonate with the public. By doing so, I aim to inspire more people to appreciate and protect wildlife and nature.

    With the launch of my book Ghost of the Clouded Plains, I believe I successfully shared valuable knowledge and raised awareness. My goal has always been to understand, study, and translate scientific insights into engaging stories that resonate with the public, and I’m proud to say my book achieved this. Additionally, I have dedicated my time to projects carried out through the WNPS Wildcat Subcommittee, furthering conservation efforts.

  • Sajani Jayakody

    Ms. Sajani Jayakody

    Sajani Jayakody is a dedicated environmental scientist, deeply committed to ecology and wildlife conservation. She is currently pursuing her BSc. in Environmental Science (Hons.) at the Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, University of Colombo. Formerly the chair of the Conservation committee of the Youth Wing, Sajani now contributes her expertise as a co-leader of the Youth Wing at the Wildlife and Nature Protection Society in Sri Lanka.